career pathway

The Construction Career Pathway explores careers such as carpentry, woodworking, construction management, plumbing, electrician, engineering, technicians, metal workers, and more. Construction Trades are for students who are hands-on, visual learners, are active and work hard, and who enjoy building and making.

The IASC Next Construction Career Pathway prepares students for careers in a wide range of occupations that support construction of commercial, industrial, and residential building and engineering projects. Courses in a Construction Career pathway may include: architectural drafting, pre-construction, construction trades (larger structure buildings), cabinet making, general woodworking, and others. Construction Career Pathway students will learn career skills through hands-on projects and experience with construction tools and technology. Students will also work with industry partners on projects and internships. Students will be exposed to construction occupations throughout their career pathway experiences. This pathway prepares students for the workforce and for post secondary programming through partnership with Mesabi Range College. Construction Careers are a great choice for students who enjoy working with their hands, being in the outdoors, and building quality projects.

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Meet your construction
career Pathway Teachers

Stuart Ostendorf
Pathway Instructor

Steve Meyers
Pathway Instructor

David Setness
Pathway Instructor

Joe Skripsky

Pathway Instructor

Matt Sandys
Pathway Instructor

David Pace
Pathway Instructor

Erik Kuusinen
Pathway Instructor

Colby Gallagher
Pathway Instructor

Leo Lukas
Pathway Instructor

Steven Clouse
Pathway Instructor

Mark Gravelle
Pathway Instructor

Brandon LaDoux
Pathway Instructor

What's Next

1. explore next career pathway courses

Explore Next Career Pathways at Pathway Courses

2. experience

Experience Next Career Pathways today! Register for courses and activities through your school. Meet with an IASC school counselor or IASC Pathways teachers to enroll.

3. excel

Excel at your Next Career Pathway goals with Ur Turn. Set your goals and track your pathway progress at

Partner With Us

Partner with Next Career Pathways to give relevant  experiences and intentional opportunities to local students  that will inspire curiosity and  hope for a future right here in the greater Itasca area. Together, we are the change for our communities. Together, we can unleash endless possibilities. There are so many ways to work with us!