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February 2025 Newsletter

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January 2025 Newsletter



How the Itasca Area Schools Collaborative is empowering students to succeed

How the Itasca Area Schools Collaborative is empowering students to succeed

by , Herald Review

Explore. Experience. Excel. Evolve. These are the four steps implemented by the Itasca Area Schools Collaborative (IASC) NEXT Career Pathways program for local students. The main goal of these steps is to inspire curiosity, provide opportunities, and unleash boundless possibilities for students in the program.

Exploring, experiencing, excelling and evolving are pillars to breaking free from comfort zones, and they are steps that anyone, not just students can take in their lives to pursue positive change.

On Thursday, Jan. 9 and Friday, Jan. 10, 8th grade students from the IASC gathered at the MN North College–Itasca Campus in Grand Rapids for the third annual Intro to Careers Pathway Day.


Approximately 500 students from Grand Rapids, Greenway, Nashwauk-Keewatin, Bigfork, Hill City, Northland, Deer River and Floodwood attended the two day event.

These students will soon be registering for high school classes and this event prepares them for selecting courses with their futures in mind. The Intro to Careers Pathway Day is an exceptional event that not only introduces students to the different careers available for them to pursue, but also gets them thinking about their futures at an early stage. It is never too early, or too late, to foster great aspirations.

To take inventory of who you are now, and who you want to be someday. Baseball Hall of Famer Yogi Berra once said, “If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.” What a timeless phrase. Do you know where you are going? If not, step one: explore. After all, knowing where you are headed is the first step towards getting there.

At the Itasca Campus, the students did just that. They explored and experienced six different career pathway presentations: education, natural resources/agriculture, business, computer science, healthcare, and a choice between automotive, construction or manufacturing.

The presentations included hands-on exercises that provided an idea of what each career looks like. Some of the demonstrations and exercises were given by older students in the pathways program, showcasing their knowledge gained through their experience and handing it off to the younger students. It was a true testament to the success of the IASC, as well as the students and staff involved in it.

Program Director Scott Patrow explained that one of the great benefits of the program is the direct community involvement that students receive with local businesses and tradesmen. When these students are older, they are capable of doing an internship during their junior or senior year where they obtain real-life job experience in their pathway of choice. This opportunity not only gives students local job experience, but also lets them discover if that career pathway is right for them or not. An invaluable insight to gain before investing in post-secondary education.

Aptitude tests are great for narrowing down a person’s interests, but nothing substitutes for hands-on experience. Small, rural schools historically don’t have as many resources or class elective options as larger schools, and NEXT Career Pathways helps level the playing field by providing students with opportunities and experiences they wouldn’t otherwise have. Biology and Healthcare Pathways teacher, Allison Butterfield, teaches 9th-12th grade classes at Greenway High School, but is also able to reach students at Bigfork and Nashwauk-Keewatin with online classes through the pathways program. Classes that students at those schools might not otherwise have access to. This is just one of the many examples that showcases the benefits of Itasca area schools extending a helping hand to one another.

It is evident the collaboration between IASC, MN North College–Itasca, and the local business community is making a positive impact on local students, schools and the community itself. The fate of a community depends upon the individuals within it and by providing our youth with more opportunities, we reach towards a brighter and more prosperous future where everyone can thrive. Investing in the next generation not only strengthens the local workforce but also creates a sense of unity and shared purpose that benefits the entire local culture. In these uncertain times, it is important we lean into our communities, to be brave enough to ask for help when we need it, and kind enough to offer help when we are able.

Businesses that are interested in working with Next Career Pathways or partner with youth, can reach out to Scott Patrow at or 218-256-5576


IASC NEXT Career Pathways created for career connections

IASC NEXT Career Pathways created for career connections


by Rebekah Sutherland, Herald Review

IASC NEXT Career Pathways is a program that started in 2016 to provide programming for middle and high school students. They specifically wanted to focus on a few major areas that northeast Minnesota saw high demand jobs in that sometimes had a shortage of workers.

When the program started it was through a grant from the Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board with key players being Grand Rapids, Greenway, Nashwauk-Keewatin, and Itasca Campus (now MN North College).

Some of the areas that were focused on were healthcare and manufacturing.

Programming occurred and as the grant started to fade in 2018 the Blandin Foundation got involved as the major funder for the program, opening it up to all Itasca Area Schools. Today, IASC currently does not operate under Blandin funding and seeks grants to keep the program running as well as receiving money from IASC schools.

It’s all about connections

The Pathways connect what students learn in school to careers that could possibly be in their future.

Scott Patrow, IASC Director of Career Pathways said, “We want students to connect what they’re doing in school to a fulfilling career that pays them a good wage, but more importantly, matches their talent and skills and abilities with good careers.”

There are two fundamental elements in the pathway program:

Academics: Students have to earn elective credits to graduate and study.Career Connected activities: Linking what the students learn in school to careers, especially in the area, that can provide them that performance.

The program gets students thinking about their future, sometimes as early as 8th grade. They start connecting their education and exploring the career pathway before getting the degree or experiences to find out that it’s not a good fit. Or maybe the experience teaches them that it’s exactly what they want to do.

“Maybe they had this vision of what it was but they didn’t ever get an experience otherwise. That’s a really important thing in our program,” Patrow commented.

Through exploration, experience, and excelling, Next Pathways’s progression to graduate through their program leads to real career connections.

An exploration piece might be a tour or a guest speaker. Patrow said that this sometimes “sparks the light,” and gets students excited about various opportunities.

An experience is where they look to get students a little more involved. An example could be a collaborative project with a business where students are tying in their studies with real-life experience.

A real-life example is a marketing class at Grand Rapids High School that was able to meet with a new local business that moved to town. They helped design their logo. The students took what they were learning in class to bring the business’s vision to life and then they received feedback from the business.

The excel portion is the internship, where “a student is showing up at the business with responsibility and with something to do, being productive.”

The program guides look really similar to one another and the framework is the same. The requirements are based on what each school can offer. But the schools do a lot of shared programming. Patrow said the Education Pathway looks exactly the same at every school in the collaborative because it’s an asynchronous, online class. is where to see examples of program guides or if you want to look into a program.

Why should a student complete a pathway?

Patrow said that all of the schools now have some incentive to finish a pathway: a recognition night, financial awards, advanced placements in some programs, and more.

The pathways they currently have in their program are: Autotomotive/Transportation, Business, Computer Science, Construction, Education, Healthcare, Manufacturing, and Natural Resources/Agriculture.

“I think the biggest incentive for a student is that they can feel prepared for their next step, whatever their next step is, whether it’s direct entry level work, a one or two year program, or a four year college,” Patrow said.

IASC Next Pathways prepares students to be successful.

Last year, they had 95 students complete their pathways and they identified 650 students as Pathway students in 8 high schools and 7 districts.

With over 6,000 touch points where students were completing a career connected activity like career fairs, research projects, and more, Next Pathways is certainly looking to help students prepare for their future with real-life experiences and connections.

Businesses that are interested in working with Next Career Pathways or partner with youth, can reach out to Scott Patrow at or 218-256-5576

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September 2024 Newletter

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The 1st empowerment event yesterday out of 4 went incredible! What a great time for women professionals and students to come together and talk about careers and build each other❤️

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Upcoming Events

Here are some community events that you might be interested in!


Tuesday, February 7th 2023
Thursday, February 16th 2023
Thursday, February 23rd 2023
Tuesday, February 28th 2023

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Student/Teacher spotlight

IASC NEXT Career Pathways Teacher Spotlight

Shelly Lindstrom is a science teacher at the Grand Rapids High School who teaches courses in the healthcare career pathway. Lindstrom has known for some time that students need opportunities to expand their healthcare experiences beyond the walls of the classroom. In November 2022, GRHS became a chapter of HOSA. HOSA is an organization that promotes health care career opportunities and prepares students to pursue careers in the field. HOSA meets twice a month and focuses on leadership, education and service. So far, students have organized and ran a Christmas party for DCD/ASD students and host a different healthcare speaker every month. We are now looking forward to attending our first HOSA competition. Competitions are designed to motivate members to improve their knowledge and skills.

IASC NEXT Career Pathways Student Spotlight

Noah Jetland is a junior at GRHS. He is currently taking Anatomy 3 in the healthcare pathway. He is also HOSA’S Vice President. Noah’s future career plans are to attend ICC and then the University of Minnesota to pursue a nursing degree. Noah is passionate about the opportunities HOSA brings to students. His favorite component is the healthcare speakers. “I feel like I have a lot of general knowledge about healthcare, but I always walk away thinking – I didn’t even know that was a thing. The speakers have broadened my awareness and helped me think about my own career path.” Noah also values the leadership opportunities HOSA offers and the opportunity to meet regularly with other students who share the same interest in healthcare. For underclassman who have limited opportunities to take healthcare electives, the exposure to healthcare in the meetings is very valuable.